war and revolution
- Created by: avaniwilliams
- Created on: 30-05-18 15:12
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- War and Revolution
- Crimean war (1853-56)
- Russia vs Britain, France and Turkey
- Humiliating defeat for Russia; surrendered an signed the treaty of Paris
- Lost Bessarabia which exposed the stagnation of the economy
- Humiliating defeat for Russia; surrendered an signed the treaty of Paris
- Highlighted weakness and corruptness of leadership and inefficiency of serf conscripts
- Inadequacy of communication and poorly equipped army
- Outdatedness of economic and social infrastructure
- Led to emancipation of serfs and creation of the Zemtsva
- Signalled a change from a restrictive rule under Nicholas to a more liberal one under Alex
- Russia vs Britain, France and Turkey
- Russo - Japanese war (1904-5)
- Conflict over who would control territory in Manchuria - Russia wanted to expand
- Suffered a humiliating defeat at sea and lost port Arthur due to a treaty of portsmouth
- The Tsar and the government were blamed which led to a loss of faith in autocracy
- Sparked the 1905 revolution
- Highlighted lack of equipment, communication and transport
- Further investment in transport infrastructure e.g trans-Siberian railway
- Influenced Nicholas' October manifesto promising an elected Duma and civil rights
- Appeased the public as it appeared revolutionary until the 'Fundamental laws'
- Conflict over who would control territory in Manchuria - Russia wanted to expand
- First World War (1914-18)
- Russia felt obligated to protect Serbia when Hungary declared war. Russia issued a mobilization order which left them vulnerable
- Casualties of 8 mil - 1.7 mil dead. Nicholas' incompetence led to his abdication
- Optimist view - event was necessary to eradicate tsarism, military failures led to economic problems and social unrest
- Total cost = 3 billion roubles
- Led to inflation of prices by 400%
- Gave revolutionaries a chance to overthrow gov
- Total cost = 3 billion roubles
- Pessimist view - Tsar was struggling anyway with the demands of the country (not a turning point)
- Rising population, food requisitioning, fall in fertilizers and transport problems all caused food shortages
- 'Shells crisis' Industry couldn't provide enough ammunition for army
- Russia felt obligated to protect Serbia when Hungary declared war. Russia issued a mobilization order which left them vulnerable
- Civil War (1917-22)
- The tensions from the Oct revolution led to the outbreak of the civil war
- Reds vs Whites for control
- Reds won but the extent of the war (lasted 5 years) shows it was a serious threat
- Reds vs Whites for control
- Led to an introduction of War communism and the Red terror
- This was then replaced by the NEP
- Old allies of the Bolsheviks turned on them
- The workers' opposition and Kronstadt sailors
- Forced Lenin to adopt a conciliatory foreign policies with other nations
- The tensions from the Oct revolution led to the outbreak of the civil war
- Second World war
- Russia was neutral til 1941 when Germany implemented operation Barbarossa and invaded
- 28 million were killed and the economy was devastated
- Structure of gov remained stable - Stalin still maintained complete control
- Still used repression - NKVD and cult of perosnality
- Western powers allowed Stalin to exert a sphere of influence over eastern Europe
- Other powers saw this as the start pf the soviet expansion of communism
- Russia was neutral til 1941 when Germany implemented operation Barbarossa and invaded
- Cold war (1947-91)
- Two powers emerged from WW2 - Aemrica and the USSR whose simmering tensions resulted in war
- Fought through proxy wars, propaganda, spying and subversion
- Cuban missile crisis and U2 spy plane incident
- Khrushchev enacted destalinisation to present a more favourable picture to the west
- Prompted an arms race requiring high levels of investment in heavy industry
- This prompted unrest as there was less investment in consumer products - Noverkassk worker protest
- Two powers emerged from WW2 - Aemrica and the USSR whose simmering tensions resulted in war
- Crimean war (1853-56)
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