- Created by: Ciaran
- Created on: 04-05-15 11:06
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- Enviroment
- Christianity
- they believe God created the earth
- God created humans and put them in charge of the Garden of Eden
- They had responsibility to care for the environment
- Bible
- God said: Your descendants will live all over the Earth and bring it under their control, I am putting you in charge.
- "You appointed them rules over everything you made, you placed them over all creation"
- "The world and all that is in it belong to the lord, the earth and all who live on it are his"
- Jesus spoke about the beauty of creation"King Solomon with all his wealth will never have clothes as beautiful as one of Gods flowers"
- The Earth is "ON LOAN" from God
- STEWARD-SHIP: the Christian idea of accepting responsibility for the earth and caring for it
- Thanks Giving / Harvest time: Thanking God for the wonder of his creation
- Churches
- Methodist
- Serious Crisis in the world
- Loving creation is loving your neighbour
- Catholic
- The earth is a gift from God
- Our actions have Consequence
- Church of Ireland
- commit to simpler lifestyle
- treain the young to help the world
- Presbyterian
- Follows the bible and care for the world
- Baptist
- We are stewards of the Earth
- Methodist
- Conservation issues
- Soil Pollution: Waste left in the ground by factories
- Air Pollution: Factories release a lot of chemicals into the air
- E-Waste: Technology dumped in land sites and poisons the land
- Ozone Layer: CFC gases damaging the ozone layer letting suns rays in
- Water Pollution: Rubbish buried under ground or thrown in water is poisoning the water
- Acid Rain: Sulphur Dioxide released by cars
- Global Warming: Carbon Dioxide released into the air
- Key Phrases
- Reduce: Don't produce waste in the first place
- Reuse: Don't throw anything away, One mans rubbish is another's treasure
- Recycle: Collect waste that can be recycled or turned back into raw materials
- Christianity
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