Napoleon's Domestic Policy
- Created by: Laura B
- Created on: 03-06-15 17:35
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- Napoleon's Domestic Policy
- Legal System
- Context
- Code Napoleon was introduced on 21 March 1804
- Favored married men
- Law was used to silence those he couldn't persuade
- Could be seen as a form of coercion?
- Code Napoleon was introduced on 21 March 1804
- Failures
- Nap did not deem women as equal to men and this became the opposite to equality
- Successes
- The Code was popular with land and property owners as it gave legal fixed tithes
- Protected them
- Napoleon received praise from those who could show appraisal through political methods such as plebiscites- men.
- The Code was popular with land and property owners as it gave legal fixed tithes
- Context
- Religion
- Successes
- Gained support from a lot of support from the people of France
- Got rid of divides between gov and church
- Gained support from a lot of support from the people of France
- Context
- Nap aimed to gain support from the catholic Church
- The Concordat was developed that stated the Church would gain an official presence in France again
- Equal;l rights were also given to the Protestants and other faiths were also tolerated under the Concordat
- Failures
- Was a fatal blow to royalist movement
- Restored priests were nonsupporting of protestant acceptance
- Successes
- Economy
- Context
- Re organisation of direct and indirect tax and this was controlled by the local gov
- Revenue was 400%
- Successes
- Fairer system established and financial stability
- Failures
- Greater burdens placed on economy still due to military expenditure
- Context
- Education
- Failures
- 2/3 of placements were sent for the army - unfair
- No education for poor or girls and no one under bourgeoisie were affected
- Successes
- Were beneficial as it gave education access to people who would not have got it before
- Context
- Declared a new type of state school which taught a narrow curriculum
- Failures
- Legal System
- Context
- The police where controlled by Fouche and their job was to monitor public opinion - looked at threats
- They were a parliamentary force and quite similar to the army as they had uniforms and a clear structure
- They aided in the enforcement of law and maintained order - 18,000 stationed around France
- Shows Nap's Empire was dependent on coercion
- Nap developed and manipulated the law to his advantage
- Nap saw the Jacobins as a great threat to his Domestic Policy
- The threat of the Royalist movement from the Prince Duke Eughein led to his assassination without fair trial
- People were scared to oppose Nap
- Over 100 known Jacobin were sent to exile
- Successes
- Silenced people who have may tried ruin the reformation of France EG: Jacobin
- Abolsihed those people who may have oppossed him as they would be too scared to oppose him
- Failures
- By silencing anyone who opposed him Napoleon's empire became dependent on coercion
- Nap had little evidence that either the Jacobin/Royalist movements were that much of a threat - as the threat wasn't that big perhaps his use of coercion wasn't that successful
- People liked Nap so coercion wasn't necessary
- Context
- Context
- Official newspaper the Le Moniteur was written by Nap himself and put Nap in a positive light
- All books approved before publication
- Published battle reports and 'ordres dejour' which attracted public attention and gained Nap support
- Didn't mention the high casualty rates (30-40%)
- Successes
- Napoleon knew he needed the support of the people and knew propaganda was the way to achieve this
- His propaganda shaped public opinion and won loyalty from the public
- Failures
- News was biased
- Wasn't a true representation of Nap and his successes
- Context
- Untitled
- Political Changes
- Sieyes wanted to avoid - Nap took control over the whole situation
- Nap instead decided his decision would be finial and he became first consul
- Allowed him to dominate the political system
- •Napoleon issued a proclamation explaining his reasons for seizing power, reassuring the people that the new constitution was based on the principles of representative government- admits to taking power, proving himself a dictator.
- •He also ruthlessly used his power to
appoint members of the Senate.
•Membership of the Senate increased from
80 to about 140 in 1814.
- most of the extra members were Napoleon's direct nominees or 'grand dignitaries' of the Empire used to pack the Senate (Napoleon appointed his own nominees whose loyalty and support he could guarantee)
- •It resulted into a largely consultative body anxious to please Napoleon .
- most of the extra members were Napoleon's direct nominees or 'grand dignitaries' of the Empire used to pack the Senate (Napoleon appointed his own nominees whose loyalty and support he could guarantee)
- Plebiscite
- Was conveyed in order for constitution to become legalized
- figures were adjusted by Lucien- doubled the number of yes votes and added another 500,000
- Succesess
- Would benefit property owning class
- Reward property owning class
- Failures
- Intimidation occurred in plebiscite - statics manipulated and wrong / illegal
- System favored property class
- Senators feel loyal and bias
- Sieyes wanted to avoid - Nap took control over the whole situation
- Shows Nap's Empire was dependent on coercion
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