Was the US army well equipped for war with the Plains Indians?

  • Created by: Katie
  • Created on: 04-05-14 12:01
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  • Was the US army well equipped for war with the Plains Indians?
    • Enlisted Men
      • Recruits to the army would include not only Americans but European immigrants as well.
      • However, they didn't always have the work ethic as many of them would be found drunk or didn't care to work.
    • The army was relatively weak to begin with in the 1840s and 1850s.
      • By 1856, the army had grown and they were responsible for keeping the peace on the Plains for over four million square kilometres.
        • The Indians and the army fought very different softs of war and sometimes if was expensive to keep running the army.
        • The soldiers would spend most of their time guarding the forts, patrolling the land and routes or searching for Indians.
    • Forts
      • The forts in the West were built to protect the overland routes and to keep watch over reservations.
      • They served as a base from which soldiers could patrol the routes and also attack the Plains Indians.
      • Although the Indians would attack the forts, they never managed to capture one.
    • Indian Scouts
      • These were recruited from other Indian nations.
      • They were invaluable for their knowledge of the country and the other nations battle tactics.
      • The failure of the different nations to fight together against the US army contributed to their eventual defeat.
    • The Impact of the Civil War
      • As the regular army had to go and fight in the civil war, they had to be replaced by volunteers.
      • These lacked discipline and they were sometimes led by men with political ambitions.
    • New strategies
      • Total War
        • This strategy had been used in the civil war and was useful.
        • It meant going to war against a whole enemy population.
        • But it did not mean killing women and children.
        • Instead it meant destroying all the food, shelter, clothing, possessions and animals of the Plains Indians.
        • This left them with a choice of starvation, going to relative for help or going to the reservation and surrendering.
      • Winter Campaigns
        • The Indians were vulnerable to attack in the winter.
        • With the heavy snow and the sub-zero temperatures it was the time of year when they needed to stay in one place for long periods of time.
        • They also needed to be able to conserve food and strengthen their ponies.
        • This meant that defeat in the winter was devastating and it was an important factor that led to the destruction of the Indians.




Thank you, this helped so much with my homework



Thank you so much, this explained it clearly to me and I understood it well

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