Water Stress

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  • Water Stress
    • Water Stress
      • less than 1700m3 per person
    • Water Scarcity
      • less than 1000m3 per person
        • demand is above the available clean water supply
          • less than 1700m3 per person
          • increasing populations - higher demand as well as higher standards of living
            • water consuming devices e.g washing machines contribute to water consumption - rural areas only consume water that have been collected from a water source
    • agriculture
      • majority of water use will be for farming as it is the main industry for income
        • some countries have not developed a clear way of identifying water consumption and paying for it
    • industrialisation
      • electricity is needed to power factories - water dependent e.g steam to power turbines
        • Coca Cola factories in India uses 4 bottles of water for one bottle of coke
    • high risk -N.Africa and Middle East e,g Morocco and UAE
      • 30 degrees N - Hadley and Ferrel circulation meet - high pressure, sinking air, cloud formation and minimal rain
      • USA - several latitudes with different climate zones - high living standards - at risk, China and India have fast growing populations
    • low risk - Brazil, near equator
      • low air pressure, warm air rises and condenses
      • Greenland too - melted ice will make freshwater
      • Russia - high landmass to its population - low risk


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