Ways to create a neologism
- Created by: kf222
- Created on: 28-09-16 10:37
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- Ways of creating a neologism
- amelioration
- When a word takes on a more positive meaning
- Pretty used to mean sly, now it means to be attractive
- When a word takes on a more positive meaning
- Pejoration
- A word takes on a more negative meaning now,.
- E.G An idiot used to mean a private person, now it means someone who is stupid.
- A word takes on a more negative meaning now,.
- Narrowing
- A words meaning is now more specific
- Meat used to mean any food now it means the flesh of an animal.
- Art used to mean any skill now it is mainly used for the subject Art.
- A words meaning is now more specific
- Broadening
- A word keeps its original meaning and gains other meanings.
- E.g place used to mean a street or broad street now it refers to any sort of area.
- A word keeps its original meaning and gains other meanings.
- Create a new one!
- Abbreviations
- Clippng
- When a word is shortened.
- Telephone becomes phone.
- When a word is shortened.
- Initialism
- When a word is created because each letter stands for something. However you pronounce the word by each individual letter.
- E.G CD
- When a word is created because each letter stands for something. However you pronounce the word by each individual letter.
- Acronym
- When a new word is created because each letter stands for another word. Also you pronounce the word as an entire word.
- E.G Oxfam
- When a new word is created because each letter stands for another word. Also you pronounce the word as an entire word.
- Clippng
- Adapt it
- Affixation
- when you add a group of letters (a morpheme) to a word to change its meaning.
- Prefix
- E.G pre
- Suffix
- E.G ized
- Prefix
- when you add a group of letters (a morpheme) to a word to change its meaning.
- Compound
- When two full words are joined
- E.G
- When two full words are joined
- Blending
- When a two words are clipped and then joined.
- E.G
- When a two words are clipped and then joined.
- What is an Eponym?
- When a word is named after its creator
- Sandwich
- When a word is named after its creator
- amelioration
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