Weberianism theories of inequality
- Created by: jesskeayy
- Created on: 14-06-17 19:44
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- Weberian theories of inequality
- Society is organised in a hierarchy, with the weak and powerless being dominated by the powerful
- Class Power: Unequal access to wealth in society
- Status: Respect. We respect those that we view as socially superior to us. i.e The pope is not wealthy but has religious respect
- Party: Political power. Being able to influence others i.e. Pressure Groups being able to influence government policy
- Weber criticises Marx's theory, as he says that society is held together by tradition and habit, rather than organised to oppress
- Weber discovered 4 classes, rather than Marx's 2, with divisions in these classes.
- Marx says that inequality is part of the structure of society, whereas Weber says that it is part of the culture in society
- Weber criticises Marx, as he predicted that the working class would grow and overturn the ruling class.
- This did not happen, as the classes have developed and become more fragmented.
- Society is divided between different social groups competing for resources, power and wealth
- NEO-WEBERIAN- Apply weber theories to modern society
- Looked into employer relations, working conditions and life chances when establishing social class
- CRITICISED- by feminists for ignoring pay differences in work due to gender
- Looked into employer relations, working conditions and life chances when establishing social class
- Look at the dual labour market
- Primary market- middle class, white male dominated jobs with social mobility
- Secondary market- retail and 0-hur contracts. Primarily female and ethnic minority jobs with no structure of social mobility
- Look at the dual labour market
- Middle class have educational and social qualifications that put them at an advantage
- Working class can only sell their labour- at risk due to technological changes
- Middle class have educational and social qualifications that put them at an advantage
- Used to consider race inequality, with MARX fails to do
- Low class/low status - they therefore lack party power.
- Development of black underclass, as they feel alienated from society
- Difficult to measure- power and status
- What one values as respectable is completely different to another's view
- Multiple class system makes it difficult to organise society
- Social divides do not fragment us, most are proud of their class and nationality
- Where people belong to lots of different social groups, which one do you identify as the most important?
- Gives a more realistic view of the class system than Marx does
- Difficult to measure- power and status
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