Weimar Republic
- Created by: Hannah Douthwaite 16
- Created on: 14-04-16 19:53
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- Weimar
- 1919-22
- Reichstag
- Ebert
- P.R.
- Lots of small parties
- Can't make decisions
- Treaty of Versailles
- November Criminals
- £6.6bn reparations
- Army
- 100000 men
- 6 warships
- War Guilt Clause
- Lost Empire
- Problems
- Poverty
- Starvation
- Blame for War
- Rebellions
- 1919
- Spartacist Revolt
- Communists
- Karl Leibkncht
- Stopped by Freikorps
- Spartacist Revolt
- 1920
- Kapp Putsch
- Freikorps
- Paramilitary
- Workers Strike
- Freikorps
- Kapp Putsch
- 1919
- Reichstag
- 1923
- Ruhr Crisis
- Missed Reparation Payments
- Workers on strike
- Hyperinflation
- Ruhr Crisis
- 1923-1929
- Stresemann
- Rentenmark
- Locarno Treaty-1925
- Agreed western borders
- Nobel Peace Prize
- League of Nations-1926
- Dawes Plan 1924
- Kellogg Briand Pact-1928
- Died 1929
- Culture
- Art
- Architecture
- Music
- Literature
- Bauhaus
- Cabaret
- Stresemann
- 1919-22
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