Weimar Republic 1919 - 1933
- Created by: lou9119
- Created on: 22-04-16 18:20
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- Weimar Republic
- How did Germany emerge from WWI?
- The Kaiser abdicated due to Germany's losing in WWI.
- This led to the creation of the Reichstag.
- Set up in Weimar due to the dangerous rioting.
- Many riots
- Spartacist Uprising 1919
- Communists (Rose Luxemburg and Karl Liberknicht) take over a newspaper, killed and taken down by Ebert.
- Kapp Putsch 1920
- Freikorps. Strike for a few days, Ebert takes them down.
- Munich Putsch 1923
- Hitler led riot in a beer hall, shot and sent to prison where he wrote Mein Kampf.
- Spartacist Uprising 1919
- Many riots
- Set up in Weimar due to the dangerous rioting.
- This led to the creation of the Reichstag.
- Many riots
- Spartacist Uprising 1919
- Communists (Rose Luxemburg and Karl Liberknicht) take over a newspaper, killed and taken down by Ebert.
- Kapp Putsch 1920
- Freikorps. Strike for a few days, Ebert takes them down.
- Munich Putsch 1923
- Hitler led riot in a beer hall, shot and sent to prison where he wrote Mein Kampf.
- Spartacist Uprising 1919
- The Kaiser abdicated due to Germany's losing in WWI.
- What was the Weimar Republic/ Constitution?
- Strengths:
- Democratic system
- President every 7 years
- Freedom of speech, religion and equal rights for women, free to travel etc.
- Weaknesses:
- Article 48 - Rules the President could create without the Reichstag's passing
- Chancellor is chose by the President not the people
- The Reichstag was decided every four years.
- Proportional Re-presenstation
- Strengths:
- What was the impact of the Treaty of Versailles on the Weimar Republic?
- Military are reduced to six ships, no air force, no tanks and only 100,000 soldiers.
- 94 ships were supposed to be given to Britain but these were sunk.
- War Guilt meant that Germany had to admit to their cause of WWI through ARTICLE 231
- Territory was lost, 13% given to FRANCE, POLAND, LITHUANIA AND DENMARK
- Reparations, 6.6 billion must be paid to FR, UK and USA.
- Ruhr Crisis - 1923
- Germany couldn't pay the money needed to be given to Germany so soldiers invaded the Ruhr to take raw material and factories, Germans burnt the factories.
- Hyperinflation
- Ruhr Crisis - 1923
- Military are reduced to six ships, no air force, no tanks and only 100,000 soldiers.
- How did Germany recover through the Weimar Republic?
- Joins the League of Nations
- Dawes Plan 1924
- Money given in loans and the reparations are reduced.
- Young Plan 1929
- The time frame was prolonged.
- Rentenmark able to create by the loan of 8 million in Gold given by America.
- Kellog-Briand Pact 1926
- A bigger army was allowed for defensive and domestic purposes.
- Locarno Treaty 1925
- No more land would be taken from Germany.
- How did Germany emerge from WWI?
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