West London by Charles Ives
- Created by: MPalmer
- Created on: 21-05-14 13:15
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- West London by Charles Ives
- Harmony/ Tonality
- Starts off with C# moving quickly onto D creating modal feel on D minor
- Ambiguous middle section
- Hymn-like ending F major/diatonic
- Open 5ths before 'hymn'
- Instrumentation
- Solo voice (baritone) and piano
- Rhythm
- Melody
- Majority of melody based around 'D' at opening and middle section
- Structure
- Starts and ends diatonically with chromatic middle section
- Hymn-like ending
- Untitled
- Word painting
- 'Rich' - f, middle range, strong quaver accomp. & acciaccatura upbeats to create power
- 'frozen stare' - chromatically descending quavers with dim. to p
- 'thought I' - crotchet silence before, dischord, sung slower
- Harmony/ Tonality
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