Westphal critiques
- Created by: Milliewill6
- Created on: 26-05-16 09:40
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- Westphal Criticisms
- Hume and Kant
- Westphal starts with these but they are not the first to focus on religion rather than God
- Assumes focus is only on Religion after the deist project and the c- change
- This is wrong
- Wittgenstein
- Interested in Linguistic claims about God
- He came after Kant and Hume
- Westphal did not talk about the Third formulation.
- This came about after Philosophy of Religion
- This talked about Religious Language in the 21 century.
- The Linguistic tern
- Interested in Linguistic claims about God
- Looks to see if religious Language has meaning .
- Scholars still focused on God after this change
- Hick
- Book called 'The Existence of God'
- Swinburne
- Book 'Is there a God'
- Hick
- Schleiermacher
- has more influence that Kant
- He helps to shape a Protestant philosophy based on religious experience
- Pick and mix attitude to external ( The Husk)
- People like this as leads to the Kernel
- As they can accept what they like and be apart of a religion they want and this is accepted
- America, huge churches that focus on experience of God.
- As they can accept what they like and be apart of a religion they want and this is accepted
- People like this as leads to the Kernel
- Pick and mix attitude to external ( The Husk)
- Hegel
- His View is widely accepted
- Avatar and star wars films
- This Pantheism has some appeal and has become popular form of spirituality
- Avatar and star wars films
- His View is widely accepted
- Westphal assumes that Hume is the first person to be suspicious of the motives of being religious.
- This is wrong
- The Bible
- Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican
- where the Pharisee is condemned because he follows all the right rules for the wrong resons
- Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican
- Aquinas
- interior acts (motive) were more important that Exterior acts (the acts themselves)
- Showing that the Hermeneutics of suspicion was actually started by Christianity itself , not Hume
- interior acts (motive) were more important that Exterior acts (the acts themselves)
- The Bible
- This is wrong
- Hume and Kant
- Kant Did not have the Impact Westphal Credits him to have
- Religion is still with us
- most still think of God as a divine commander
- In a Christian theistic sense
- Shows no sign of going away
- most still think of God as a divine commander
- Westphal Criticisms
- Hume and Kant
- Westphal starts with these but they are not the first to focus on religion rather than God
- Assumes focus is only on Religion after the deist project and the c- change
- This is wrong
- Wittgenstein
- He came after Kant and Hume
- Westphal did not talk about the Third formulation.
- This came about after Philosophy of Religion
- This talked about Religious Language in the 21 century.
- The Linguistic tern
- Looks to see if religious Language has meaning .
- Scholars still focused on God after this change
- Hick
- Book called 'The Existence of God'
- Swinburne
- Book 'Is there a God'
- Hick
- Schleiermacher
- has more influence that Kant
- He helps to shape a Protestant philosophy based on religious experience
- Pick and mix attitude to external ( The Husk)
- People like this as leads to the Kernel
- As they can accept what they like and be apart of a religion they want and this is accepted
- America, huge churches that focus on experience of God.
- As they can accept what they like and be apart of a religion they want and this is accepted
- People like this as leads to the Kernel
- Pick and mix attitude to external ( The Husk)
- Hegel
- His View is widely accepted
- Avatar and star wars films
- This Pantheism has some appeal and has become popular form of spirituality
- Avatar and star wars films
- His View is widely accepted
- Westphal assumes that Hume is the first person to be suspicious of the motives of being religious.
- This is wrong
- The Bible
- Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican
- where the Pharisee is condemned because he follows all the right rules for the wrong resons
- Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican
- Aquinas
- interior acts (motive) were more important that Exterior acts (the acts themselves)
- Showing that the Hermeneutics of suspicion was actually started by Christianity itself , not Hume
- interior acts (motive) were more important that Exterior acts (the acts themselves)
- The Bible
- This is wrong
- Hume and Kant
- People are not getting ride of Kants externals that he calls 'Fetish-Faith'
- such as Baptism or going to church
- Christians don't live with a demythologised rational religion as Kant wanted.
- Fetish-faith would include arguments over homosexuality and the ordination of woman, externals that kant would say are not based on reason.
- and they are actively debated
- Religion is still with us
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