What are the challenges to Wittgenstein's theory of language games?
- Created by: blombus
- Created on: 14-05-21 10:17
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- What are the challenges to Wittgenstein's theory of language games?
- Problem of analogy
- For an analogy to work as evidence, we must be able to prove that the two things being compared are relevantly similar
- Philosopher Rush Rhees was a contemporary and friend of Wittgenstein
- He challenged the analogy drawn between language and games
- Is language really similar to a game?
- Language is about more than just following a set of rules
- It's primarily about comm-unicating and being understood
- Can you experience language like you can a game?
- Language has additional conditions that make it dissimilar to a game
- Language requires the ability to understand the meaning as well as the rules
- Language is about more than just following a set of rules
- Problems of religious language as non-cognitive
- Remember that these can be used for other areas of the religious language topic
- Non-cognitive language means we can't empirically prove any claim
- People can then claim whatever they want
- Statements aren't about fact, according to language games, they're about meaning for the speaker
- Religious believers do not feel they are making non-cognitive statements
- Claims about faith are, for them, meant to be statements of metaphysical fact
- People can then claim whatever they want
- Implications for how we communicate
- If Wittgenstein is correct about language games what does that imply for how we interact?
- How do any of us understand what other people mean?
- Can we see what game a person is playing?
- Different games have different rules
- They can share a common core
- Alienation of outsiders
- People who don't know the rules can't participate
- Are we able to learn the rules of new games?
- If so, how?
- Can we see what game a person is playing?
- Are we able to learn the rules of new games?
- People who don't know the rules can't participate
- Problem of analogy