What Causes Glaciations?
- Created by: Jimbob02
- Created on: 28-11-19 15:35
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- What Causes Glaciations?
- Milankovitch Cycles (Insolation)
- Precession
- Obliquity
- Eccentricity
- Albedo
- Ice - highest
- Land - Middle
- Sea - Lowest
- Distribution Of Continents
- Heat Transfer
- Air
- Himalayas
- Water
- Drake's Passage
- Air
- Land mass around equator
- Light is concentrated more on the land (higher albedo)
- Glaciers form as Global temperatures fall
- Light is concentrated more on the land (higher albedo)
- Polar/High latitude Land ice
- Heat Transfer
- Greenhouse Gasses
- Photosynthesis
- Methane Hydrates
- CO2
- Carbonation Weathering
- Orogeny
- Increases Surface Area of land mass
- Continental Weathering
- Removes CO2 from atmosphere
- Carbonic Acid H2CO3
- Orogeny
- Volcanicity
- Carbonation Weathering
- Milankovitch Cycles (Insolation)
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