Animal physiology lecture 1
- Created by: kirstyrooney
- Created on: 13-10-15 11:49
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- Animal Physiology
- Study of how organisms and their component parts function
- Vesalius, Flemish anatomist and physician
- Created new Scientific method by overthrowing Galenic teadition and relied on his own observations.
- William Harvey
- Discovered circulation
- Encouraged experimental physiology
- Claude Bernard
- Stability of internal environment key to life
- Walter B Cannon
- adrenaline plays critical role in maintaining the constancy of the inner world
- Krogh principle: for many problems there is an animal on which is can be most conveniently studied
- Worm: small genome easily to sequence
- Fly: neural mapping, has 1/20th the neurons that we do
- Zebrafish: develops externally and is translucent - good for studying development
- What is physiology?
- Environmentalphysiology
- Different organisms are differently challenged by a given environment
- Nature of the environment
- Stable environment e.g. the deep sea
- Fluctuating environmentse.g. seasonal/photoperiodic or tidal
- Size of the environment
- Ecological physiology
- George Bartholomew: "Physiological Ecology is an examination of those aspects of physiology that relate to the organism and to its interactions with the environment
- Evolutionary physiology
- Investigates the evolutionary mechanisms underlying or constraining diversification of physiological mechanisms.
- Comparative physiology
- study of variation in body systems amongst organisms to understand how they function in diverse habitats
- Conservation physiology
- Environmentalphysiology
- Adaptive Organismal Biology
- Adaption occurs when any change at the DNA level is expressed, via a change in protein function, as a trait that is beneficial in a particular environment and so persists due to selective advantage.
- Untitled
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