What was England like in 1547?
- Created by: Lily S Miller
- Created on: 26-09-17 12:58
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- What was England like in 1547?
- The Government of England
- The royal household looked after the domestic needs of the king.
- The age of the king gave opportunities for nobles to gain power and for factional struggles.
- Parliament was not a regular feature of government, but called when the king needed money or new laws.
- The King relied on nobles for advice and along with senior churchmen made up the privy council.
- Law and order in the localities was maintained by Justice's of the Peace.
- Monarchy in England
- Henry had ruled England throughout the 1540's without a chief minister, making most of the decisions himself.
- Henry's image was of a ruthless ruler, even tyrannical ruler in his last years.
- Edward was only 9 when Henry Died.
- Therefore a regency council was established to govern England until Edward was old enough.
- The Duke of Somerset took charge making himself the chief delegate on the council.
- Therefore a regency council was established to govern England until Edward was old enough.
- Economic and Social Conditions
- Henry spent all the money he had gained from the Dissolution of the monasteries on war and defense in the 1540's.
- Henry had reduced the silver content of coins to raise money.
- This had caused inflation.
- Food prices rose quickly in the 1540's.
- The population was rising and this put pressure on food and land.
- There were complaints about land being enclosed for sheep farming.
- England's position in Europe
- England was at war with France and Scotland when Henry VIII died.
- England was not a major power in Europe.
- England had captured Boulogne from the French
- There was a Scottish- French alliance.
- Fear of a Catholic Crusade.
- Religious Change
- England had broken from he papacy and the monarch was now head of the church.
- England was still largely catholic in doctrine, but without the pope.
- All monastries had been closed down.
- Most people in England were still Catholic.
- A bible was available in English in all churches.
- Rebellion and Unrest
- There had been protests against the levels of taxation in 1525 with he amicable grant.
- The rebels had forced Henry to abandon the Tax.
- In 1536, over 40,000 rebels had risen in protest against a range of issues, including religion and economic grievances.
- Without a standing army or a police force, it was difficult for the monarch to prevent unrest.
- The Monarch relied on nobles and local gentry to put down unrest.
- The Government of England
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