- Created by: Lucyhemmens
- Created on: 12-05-15 16:28
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- Geography
- Restless Earth
- Collision boundaries occur when 2 plates of similar density move together and collide, causing material to rise up and form fold mountines
- Constructive plate boundaries occur when 2 plates move apart (due to convection currents). Magma then rises, filling the gaps, and cools/ hardens. This results in volcanoes forming
- Weather & Climate
- Climate- The average weather conditions recorded over a period of at least 30 years
- Convectional rain- The rainful you recieve in hotter weasther
- Depressions normally start in the west, atlantic, and move over Britain from west to east
- Costal zone
- Coast- a narrow contact zone between land and sea that is constantly changing.
- Beach- A deposit of sand or shingle at the coast, often found at the head of a bay
- Fetch- The stretch of open water across which the wind blows
- Erosion is destructive waves wearing away at the coast.
- Restless Earth
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