Reasons contributing to Germany's defeat
- Created by: katiebrocklehurst251
- Created on: 16-02-15 12:31
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- What reasons contributed to the defeat of Germany?
- German treatment of civilians
- This led to resistance or Partisan groups
- Resistance groups were given support by the Allies
- Hitler had to keep soldiers based away from the main fighting
- Invasion of the Soviet Union
- Hitler had to face a war on two fronts
- Hitler had to send divisions to support Italy in North Africa and then send divisions to Italy
- War at sea
- In 1942 the U-Boat threat was a problem for the Allies
- 1,200 Allied ships were sunk
- The Allies developed radar, sonar and depth charges so they could combat the U-Boats
- in 1944 only 117 Allied ships were sunk
- In 1942 the U-Boat threat was a problem for the Allies
- Allies resources
- The Allies had access to a lot of military and industrial resources
- Germany couldn't compete with the Allies resources
- Errors in military decisions
- Halting German tanks outside of Dunkirk
- Refusal to allow troops to retreat from Stalingrad
- Belief the Normandy invasion was a feint
- Ordinary people in Britain and the USA
- These people were untied in the belief they were fighting to rid Europe of tyranny
- Therefore they were willing to make sacrifices to make a better future
- These people were untied in the belief they were fighting to rid Europe of tyranny
- Powerful leaders
- Hitler faced three powerful leaders Roosevelt, Stalin and Chruchill
- These leaders inspired people through the war years
- Hitler faced three powerful leaders Roosevelt, Stalin and Chruchill
- Allied bombing raids
- The RAF and USAAF destroyed industrial complexes, roads, bridges, railway yards and munitions factories
- Output of German industry didn't decline until 1945 and it was difficult to measure the impact on civilians
- It might not have had an impact because the Blitz made the British people more determined to win the war so it might have had the same effect on the Germans
- German treatment of civilians
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