What was Life like for Young People in Nazi Germany?
- Created by: anna
- Created on: 10-05-14 18:01
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- What was Life Like For Young People In Nazi Germany?
- Young people were important, as they were considered the future of Germany, and the future generations of the 'master race'.
- Nazis used schools to spread their ideas
- Children learnt about the glorified facts of the Nazis, and were continually told about how Jews were inferior
- Every lesson revolved around Nazi views
- Boys learnt military skills in alomst every lesson
- Physical fitness was considered extremely important for both boys and girls
- Girls learnt domestic science every other day, and it was considered key to create strong, German mothers and housewives
- Your free time would also be dominated by the Nazis, through youth groups - Hitler youth for Boys, and German league of maidens for girls
- Groups were entirely devoted to Hitler and his Nazi ideals
- Boy learnt how to clean rifles, map skills and more physical fitness
- Gilrs learnt cooking sewing and singing
- Eventually both groups became compulsary
- The Nazis used children agianst their parent by encouragin them to inform if they siad anything against the Nazis
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