When We Two Parted
- Created by: highamR15
- Created on: 24-01-19 08:56
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- When We Two Parted
- Context
- Attributes to 1908
- Most likly related to Lady Francis Wedderburn
- At time affairs were not uncommon, as divorce was difficult.
- Storyline
- Poem tells of two people who are involved in an secrect relationship.
- Their affair was private and not publicly declared.
- The speaker shows regret over the relationship and distrust and dislike that he now feels.
- Character
- The poem is in first person.
- The bitter tone of the poem "chill" and "broken-hearted" suggest the speaker in angry.
- Rhetorical question "Why wert though so dear?" he asks himself if he is no longer attracted to her and wishes the relationship had never happened.
- The character of the speaker is strongly emotional and appears to blame his "lover" for her broken promises.
- He seems to relish the idea that revenge or a meeting which will hurt her.
- We only know the charters through one person not two. So it is a one sided view.
- Themes
- The power of hindsight
- Betrayal and disappoint- ment
- The danger within forbidden relationships
- The lasting emotional suffering that romance can cause
- Form and structure
- A/B/A/B consistent rhyme scheme
- 4-6 syllables per line
- Use of refrain "silence and tears"
- Events come in a full circle
- Outcome was always predictable from the beginning.
- Sound effects
- Harsh sounds, "K" and "CH".
- Ling vowel sounds "cold" and "colder".
- Imagery refers to a warning bell
- Rhetorical question also creates a tonal quality of disbelief
- Alliteration to emphasise their joint wrong-doing.
- Riddle is used showing the secrecy and complication of their hidden relationship.
- Parallel phrasing, for a little mirror effect.
- Imagery
- Diction combined to show his regret, pain and anger.
- Pathetic fallacy is used with the wetness which created a warning chill for his emotions.
- Imagery to show concern, as this is here we show worry and fear.
- personifica-tion of her heart and spirit to show how even her body conspires against him.
- Context
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