Who Treated the Sick?
- Created by: Taya
- Created on: 02-07-18 18:44
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- Who Treated the Sick?
- Barber-Surgeons
- No training
- Carried out bloodletting, pulling teeth and lancing boils
- Did basic surgery eg. amputating limbs
- Cost less than a physicians
- Care in the Home
- Most ill people throughout this period were treated at home by a female family member
- The village 'wise woman', often the Lady of the Manor, would also tend to people in their homes for free
- Physicians
- Medically trained at university and passed exams
- Diagnosed illnesses and gave treatments, or sent patients to the apothecary or barber-surgeon
- Expensive, so mainly used by the wealthy
- Very few of them, with with women physicians incredibly rare
- Apothecaries
- Received training but no medical qualifications
- Mixed medicines and ointments based on their own knowledge or directions of a physician
- Cost money (but less than a physician)
- Barber-Surgeons
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