The New Right and the family
- Created by: Hollymurray99
- Created on: 31-01-18 23:15
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- The New Right and The Family
- Oppose family diversity favour nuclear family as provide affective socialisation and prevent crime and failure without reliance on the state
- Social issues are caused by family diversity
- Lone parent = children should have male and female role models
- Working mothers = can't socialise children and aren't as able to work as men
- Family breakdown increase the risk to children
- Amato
- Children with working mothers or lone parent are more likely to be in poverty, fail in education and be involved in crime
- Conservative politicians and new right use this to support family and society are 'broken'. Return to traditional values prevents damage to children and social disintegration
- Lone parent families don't need a second partner financially and rely on the state for this causing culture of dependency (Murray) Punish workers and reward lone parents who do not work
- Dependency culture evaluation
- New Right favour welfare benefit cuts/abolish to reduce dependency culture
- Little/no evidence to show culture of dependency in lone-parent families
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