Chapter 2: Why Gladstone lost the 1874 General Election
- Created by: becky_abington
- Created on: 12-10-18 11:38
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- Why did Gladstone lose the 1874 General Election?
- Due to how voters were distributed between constituencies
- The liberals got more votes than the Tories but gained fewer seats
- Liberals didn't put up candidates in some English counties
- Conservatives got seats without any votes being cast
- Gladstone and his ministers weren't as energetic as they used to be
- Disraeli described them as 'exhausted volcanoes'
- The Liberals quarreled amongst themselves
- Non-conformists angry about the Education Act
- Whigs argued about army reforms and Ireland land policies
- Working men annoyed about trade union laws
- Gladstone didn't always agree with his cabinet ministers
- He planned to win by abolishing income tax but he didn't carry his cabinet with him
- His announcement of the election date took everyone by surprise, including his party
- The country was tired of change
- The middle classes had turned to the conservatives
- The Irish vote was lost
- Many Non - conformists had stopped voting
- Due to how voters were distributed between constituencies
- In 1868, the Liberals had 387 MPs. In 1874, they had 251 MPs.
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