Why does Stalin need to modernise so quickly?
- Created by: book.of.wisdom
- Created on: 07-01-21 12:33
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- Why does Stalin need to modernise so quickly?
- To increase the USSRs military strength
- A war could only be won if there was a modern industryto produce weapons
- Do not want to fall behind other countries' military power
- To rival the economies of the USA and other Capitalist countries
- When Stalin took power much of Russia's industrial equipment had to be imported
- He wanted to make the USSR self sufficient
- So it ould make everything it needed for itself
- He wanted to imporve standards of living
- So people would value the Communist rule
- To increase food supplies
- He wanted more workers in industres, towns and cities
- He wanted to sell grain abroad o raise cash
- To buy industrial equipment
- Fewer peasants had to produce more food
- Farming would have to be reorganised
- To create a Communist society
- Communist theory said:
- Most of the population had to be workers if Communism was going to work
- In 1928 only about 1/5 Russians were industrial workers
- Communist theory said:
- To stablish his reputation
- Lenin had made big chnages to Russia
- Stalin wanted to prove himself as a great leader by bringing about even greater changes
- To increase the USSRs military strength
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