Why did people want to migrate to the East in the 1840-50's?
- Created by: Laurenellap
- Created on: 02-02-14 12:46
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- Why did people migrate to the West in the 1840-50's?
- Push Factors
- 1837 - Banks collapse in the East
- 20,000 unemployed people demonstrate in Philadelphia
- 1837- Wheat prices fall: Mississippi farmerrs face ruin
- 1837- Wages in the East cut by 40%
- Pull Factors
- 1848- Gold discovered in California
- Mountain men tell of fertile land in California
- Trappers tell of huge amounts of furs and fish in Oregon
- 1842- Act makes land in Orgeon available cheaply
- 1858-49 - Gold discovered in Rocky Mountains
- Missionaries want to convert Indians to christianity
- Push Factors
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