Opposition to the Weimar Government
- Created by: Alice Edwards-King
- Created on: 23-04-15 19:37
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- Opposition to the Weimar Republic
- Left Wing
- They do not think the government are harsh enough.
- 1919, Spartacists tried to take power.
- 1919, organised riots.
- 1920, tried to take control of German towns.
- 1923, further uprisings.
- Right Wing Elite
- Wanted to destroy it and go back to the old system of a Kaiser.
- they did not help the Weimar government.
- They punished left wing people in court.
- Right Wing Middle Class
- Hated the Weimar government.
- Held an organised putsch.
- Used violence.
- Uprisings.
- Assassins
- Very angry with the government.
- Murder was the way forward.
- Political assassinations took place 1919-1922.
- Caused chaos.
- Left Wing
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