Why had Tsardom become so unpopular by 1905
- Created by: Jenny Georgie
- Created on: 21-05-14 17:01
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- Why had Tsardom become so unpopular by 1905?
- Russification
- Events
- Ideas
- Russia had a vast empire, containing many cultures, languages, and religions
- Russification
- Taught and Tutored by Konstantin Pobedonostev
- Why had Tsardom become so unpopular by 1905?
- He had a deep mis-taste of Democracy, many of his ideas influenced Nicholas
- Why had Tsardom become so unpopular by 1905?
- Influence from the modern Western Countries and the spread of Marxism
- During Nicholas' Reign there was a huge desire for a Democracy
- During Nicholas' Reign there was a huge desire for a Democracy
- Crimean War
- Emphasised the insecure reign of the Tsar
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