Why Parliament Won the Civil War 1646
- Created by: SRWallis
- Created on: 10-11-13 13:20
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- Why Parliament Won 1646
- Charles I's Personality & War Policies
- Outgoing father, Charles was polar opposite
- Did not have the personality or political skill to invite loyalty
- Charles called for military support through the commissions of array. Parliament through the Militia Ordinance (more successful, promised pay)
- Military Failures
- Earl of Newcastle's failure to march army south in 1643 stopped a royalist attack on London when it may have been successful
- Charles suffered military defeat in Scotland
- Parliament's finance
- Pym played a key roll in laying foundations of parliament's wartime administra-tion
- Through creating new structures to run England without needing the King they were able to fund their war effort
- The assessment in particular was able to raise substantial amounts of money
- Holding London and the Navy
- Propaganda, finance, manpower, port, industry, administra-tion
- Navy: Support its forces and strongholds (Hull and Plymouth) as well as hamper the supply of royalist areas. it prevented Charles receiving supplies or men from the continent or Ireland
- Local administration and communities
- Development at a national level and transformed government at a local level
- Employment of men who were activists dedicated to the cause
- Charles was hampered by the counties under his control being relatively poor in comparison
- The Solemn League and Covenant with the Scots allowed for 21,000 men to aid Parliament - although this army proved disappointing
- Charles I's Personality & War Policies
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