why was the English bible placed in every parish church from 1536
- Created by: Bexter1996
- Created on: 09-03-14 11:58
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- Why was the English Bible placed in every parish church from 1536
- Reform
- Cromwell (Henry's chief advisor) was a reformer
- Allowed him to reform church beliefs.
- Closet Lutheran ?
- Able to show that some Catholic doctrine e.g. purgatory wasn't in the Bible - Church corrupt ?
- allowed the spread of anti-clericalism and reinforced reformist ideas
- Cromwell (Henry's chief advisor) was a reformer
- Royal Supremacy
- A Latin Bible represented the Catholic Church
- Henry needed to show England was not under Pope
- Showed Henry had control of the church - communicated his supremacy
- People could witness the flow of power from God to Henry
- Henry believed his title was given to him by God
- A Latin Bible represented the Catholic Church
- Laity
- Commoners could read/understand bible - Henry understood the need for this
- Growth of literacy and import of bibles from Europe - wealth had access
- they would be able to question C.Church teaching
- Reform
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