Why was there a Second Red Scare
Why was there a 2nd Red Scare question
slightly different to the 1st Red Scare bu many similarities
- Created by: Dracupine
- Created on: 15-05-13 11:48
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- Why was there a 2nd Red Scare
- Reaction to New Deal
- Received as Communist
- 557 codes
- Gov. control business
- Received as Communist
- Role of Individuals
- To gain political positions
- Increase position
- Senator Joseph McCarthy
- 'Witch Hunt' for communists
- Very nearly President
- Nixon
- Reagan
- Walter Disney
- To gain political positions
- Onset of Cold War
- 1945 Cold War
- Containment
- Marshal Aid
- $ to help those threatened by Commuism
- Truman Aid
- Military aid to those threatened by Communism
- Marshal Aid
- Domino Effect
- USSR took over statelite states, USSR had previously liberated WW2
- US fear Communism would spread
- Spreads to Asia (China & North Korea)
- [Korean war 1950]
- [China Communist 1949]
- In control of statelite countries
- Nuclear technology 4 yrs after US
- Iron Curtain
- Between West Germany & East Germany
- Psychological Impact of WW2
- Can't cope (scapegoat needed)
- The left 'Un-American'
- Can't cope (scapegoat needed)
- Internal Suspicions
- fear of communists in America
- "Reds under the bad"
- People in the US telling Communists secrets
- Canadian Spy Ring Discovered (US secrets found in Canada being sent to USSR)
- Alger Hiss (5 yrs as sent state department info)
- The Amerasia Incident (State Department research, global info passed on to USSR)
- Ethal & Julian Rosenbery (executed)
- People in the US telling Communists secrets
- Canadian Spy Ring Discovered (US secrets found in Canada being sent to USSR)
- Alger Hiss (5 yrs as sent state department info)
- The Amerasia Incident (State Department research, global info passed on to USSR)
- Ethal & Julian Rosenbery (executed)
- Ethal & Julian Rosenbery (executed)
- People in the US telling Communists secrets
- Ethal & Julian Rosenbery (executed)
- fear of communists in America
- Traditional Intolerance
- "Seasonal allergies"
- Chafe (Historian)
- Periodical time when great change occurs & cannot cope
- Psychological Impact of WW2
- Can't cope (scapegoat needed)
- The left 'Un-American'
- Can't cope (scapegoat needed)
- Reaction to New Deal
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