Why did Russia have a Revolution in 1905?
- Created by: Jackson Risby
- Created on: 11-04-14 11:38
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- Why was there a Revolution in 1905?
- Long-term causes
- Peasants were desperate due to high taxes and redemption payments
- Witte's economic policies squeezed the peasants hard
- There was not enough food and famine was common
- There were poor harvests in 1900 and 1902
- Despite the Okhrana's best efforts, political parties were on the rise
- Nicholas II was committed to autocracy
- Town and cities were growing but sanitation was poor
- Nicholas II was committed to autocracy
- National minorities felt alienated
- The controversial policy of Russification was causing tension
- Peasants were desperate due to high taxes and redemption payments
- Short-term causes
- The Russo-Japanese War of 1904/5
- Russia suffered severe and humiliating military losses e.g. Port Arthur: Jan. 1905
- Food and fuel shortages!
- High prices and unemployment!
- Bloody Sunday: January 1905
- 150,000 workers attended a peaceful march to the Winter Palace
- Fair wages and an eight hour day!
- An end to the war with Japan!
- The election of a national parliament!
- 150,000 workers attended a peaceful march to the Winter Palace
- The Russo-Japanese War of 1904/5
- Long-term causes
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