William I Rule

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  • William I's rule of England
    • Rebellions
      • Welsh Border Rebellions
        • Eadric the Wild and his supporters acquired support from the Welsh Princes, and conducted raids across the Welsh border, mainly with financial aims
      • Exeter Rebellion
        • The Exeter Rebellion occurred when Harold's family returned to the country. They uses exeter as a ground to start rebellion. As such William was forced to besiege it. However, his favourable treatment of people after the battle got their support, and prevented them from siding with the godwins when they made a second attempt
      • Northern Rising
        • In 1069-70, all of the North rose up in rebellion against William. This was one of the largest scale rebellions in Wiilliam's reign, and was mainly pushed by the different culture in the North, and the belief they were losing the autonomy they had been granted
        • In retaliation, William started the Harrying of the North, a systematic destruction of anything valuable in the North
      • Kent Rising
        • The Kent rising was a result of lack of security when William left the country. Rebels attacked Odo's area of control, however he was able to beat them and regain control
      • Norman Earls rebellion
        • The Norman Earls Rebellion took place because of anger at how William had been running the country by the Earls. They believed he couldn't successfully manage both kingdoms and tried to depose him
        • As a result, William created the Oath of Salisbury, and made all his men and vassals swear an oath of loyalty to him
      • East Anglia Rebellion
        • The East Anglia rebellion was lead by Hereward the Wake. The Rebels had looted areas of wealth in East Anglia, before retreating to the Moors. The vikings in Hereward's pay were bought off, and the rebels killed who were caught
    • The Battle of Hastings
      • William and Harold fought the Battle of Hastings on October 14th 1066
      • The Saxon Army was substantially weaker in the quality of soldiers they put out, and the quality of weapons they had. They occupied Senlac Hill, a defensive ridge just in front of the Norman Army
      • The Norman's held an albiet weaker position on the battlefield due to the position held by the Saxons. However, the Normans were better equipped and in better condition. Archers and horsemen also helped in breaking the Saxon line on the ridge
    • Society
      • For the most part William kept society as similar to how it had been under the old kings in order to keep people on his side
        • For example, his coronation was in Westminster Abbey, where Edward was buried and where Harold had been crowned, in order to try and increase his legitimacy
      • However, William did also change some of how society was at the time. He introduced restrictions on hunting rights for the people, and introduced the Murdrum fine, where by the death of a Norman would become a fine for the town if they couldn't find the specific culpirt


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