Willinghams learning theory mind map.
- Created by: emily8739
- Created on: 04-05-22 20:45
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- Willinghams learning theory.
- Ways to support cognitive development
- Students abilities differ day to day.
- Take into account development stage
- Use challenging problems that are in their ability
- Key ideas.
- It is important to build knowledge through rehearsal so it goes into the LTM.
- Skills need to be developed in the same way
- Practice and effort help us master knowledge and skills to become automatic
- You need knowledge before you can build a skill.
- There are many ways to support a childs development
- It is important to build knowledge through rehearsal so it goes into the LTM.
- Ways to support social development
- Enourage self regulation.
- Behaveas you want them to
- Delay giving rewards.
- Ways to support physical development
- Practice movement so they they become automatic
- Focus on suitable movement
- Ways to support cognitive development
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