'With reference to examples, examine the effectiveness of community involvement in development initiatives'
- Created by: not a goth
- Created on: 07-06-17 15:34
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- 'With Reference to Examples, Examine the Effectiveness of Community Involvement in Development Initiatives'
- Negatives
- different views of what participation should be creates conflicting views
- UNRISD: participation involves organisation
- very top-down and assumes people can't organise themselves
- FAO: participation in things that effect people is their fundamental right
- rural development can only occur through active involvement of locals
- UNRISD: participation involves organisation
- small-scale (micro) so has limited outreach
- Hard to operate in diverse conditions
- requires a degree of homogenity else could create divisive problems/ nothing would ever get done
- communities not necessarily homogenous
- requires a degree of homogenity else could create divisive problems/ nothing would ever get done
- project may not ever finish
- learning curve means work is ongoing
- empowerment of women creates divisions if women have had no rights before
- CHIPKO: people didn't like that women had a voice - human right's abuses
- not an alternative to other development
- to be used in conjunction with strategies
- can undermine governments (Chipko Movement) and lead to political instability
- limited to local communities and hinders large-scale development
- CHIPKO: loss of higher-income jobs from TNC
- GRAMEEN: becomes inefficient bc only 33-48% women lifted out of poverty and model can be misused
- different views of what participation should be creates conflicting views
- Positives
- contribution of local knowledge and activities
- increased chance of local of objectives and outputs being relative to the community
- sustainable approaches are recognised
- increases sustainability bc of empowerment of women (see SDGs) & thinks about environmental impacts
- CHIPKO: the women understood their environment and the damage being done to it
- increases sustainability bc of empowerment of women (see SDGs) & thinks about environmental impacts
- sustainable approaches are recognised
- increased chance of local of objectives and outputs being relative to the community
- greater honesty of officials
- they are under public scrutiny
- CHIPKO: brings cronyism into question
- they are under public scrutiny
- communities own the activities and development
- they take pride in it & this increases happiness
- sense of fulfilment, pride, happiness, responsibility and initiative
- they take pride in it & this increases happiness
- empowerment of local people
- social equity
- especially of women and increases access to resources
- CHIPKO: political and social empowerment bc demanding to be listened to
- recognises issues of gender inequality and increases participation of women
- especially of women and increases access to resources
- increased when based on a democratic approach
- form of capacity building which increases confidence and ability to participate in development
- GRAMEEN BANK: financial capital gives freedom to buy things (Sen)
- social equity
- capacity building: role of NGO/agency is to increase capacity
- CHIPKO: increases capacity through empowerment
- GRAMEEN: increases ability of people to develop skills and use their environment
- contributes to the growth of civil society
- civil society: community of people linked by common interest
- unity, bonding and cooperation in comminities
- CHIPKO: local women working together to save their environment
- mistakes and set-backs but this is how people learn - learning curve & causes self-transformation
- contribution of local knowledge and activities
- participation
- process by which people take an active and influential hand in shaping decisions that affect their lives
- occurs at every level of development but is more common from grassroots bc involves locals creating their own development
- became a buzzword in 1990's
- local people are dis-empowered by government decisions in the name of progress
- Negatives
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