- Created by: Abitracey
- Created on: 17-02-13 14:19
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- Wittgenstein
- Wittgenstein and religion
- Wittgenstein respected religion and realised that it couldn't be analysed via the narrow criteria of the verificationists.
- Religion cannot be spoken of and analysed in scientific ways as it is not the same sort of thing.
- D.Z.Phillips: says thta it prevents philosophy of religion as it suggests that no one who is outside the game can criticise the belief.
- Some of the problems caused by religious language exist becuase we take the language literally.
- Phillips agrees with Wittgenstein's idea, religious statements cannot be understood in a literal way but still have a profound meaning for those who make them.
- Later Wittgenstein
- He became interested in analysing how wprds were used in various forms of life or settings
- meanings of words are not fixed.
- What is important is how a word is used.
- The main task of philosophers is to analyse the use of language. The meaning of a word is really its use. The use of language helps to create our persective of the world.
- Wittgenstein says that words are tools. The question 'What is a word really?' is analogous to 'what is a chess piece?'. Our words are moves that we make playing various language games.
- Language games
- Language use is like playing a game with rules.
- Within groups we have agreed rules about how words are used.
- Different settings and situations each have thier own language games.
- Religious language and the statements of different religious gruops are in themselves different language games.
- Wittgenstein and religion
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