wolsey changes to government
- Created by: dan
- Created on: 13-05-13 14:32
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- Wolsey's changes to government 1483-1543
- made positive changes to finance management
- the subsidy- accurate valuations of tax payers wealth. removes tax of 15th and 10th
- reduced power of nobles
- created many enemies
- court of star chamber used for cheap impartial justice
- attack on the nobles
- little success achieved, low significance to changes in government
- however, foreign policy took priority, so wolsey had little control of what he could achieve
- large amounts of money went to the funding of war with foreign countries
- most success in finance
- other factors to consider...
- cromwell
- henry vii
- henry viii
- richard iii
- parliament
- however, foreign policy took priority, so wolsey had little control of what he could achieve
- made positive changes to finance management
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