women in the Aeneid
- Created by: yazmintaylorx
- Created on: 15-06-18 15:20
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- Women
- Lavinia
- her 'burning cheeks were bathed with tears & a deep flush glowed'
- loves T or just embarrassed
- 'the cause of all this suffering'
- is she to blame for the war?
- hair on fire & bees prophecies
- her 'burning cheeks were bathed with tears & a deep flush glowed'
- Shield
- **** of the Sabine women
- Cleo at Battle of Actium on shield
- 'bringing up the rear was the greatest outrage of all, his Egyptian wife'
- Cleo corrupted Anthony as Dido did to Aeneas
- Troy
- Hecuba 'flocked' round altar & begs Priam not to fight
- C begs A not to fight & reminds him of family pietas
- A's grief at seeing C's ghost develops character
- Camilla
- when she's killed, women flock to her as she dies; tries to pull out spear; tells them to get T
- a women killing Roman ancestors - not popular
- we know she will die - Diana makes Opis avenge her
- a god pities her so evokes sympathy
- Euryalus' Mother
- dares Rutulians to kill her as well
- wants to die
- 'wailing'
- 'crazed with grief'
- dares Rutulians to kill her as well
- Amata
- victim of Allecto
- 'like a spinning top'
- pretends to be possessed by Bacchus to hide Lav.
- favours Turnus
- commits suicide when she believes T has been killed
- 'sees her own death before her'
- irrational women motif - kills herself before she knows the facts
- ripple effect of grief for her; Lav. weeps; household grieves; gloom in the city
- intensifies pity for her
- victim of Allecto
- Dido
- V. informs A. of her past - she's a refugee too
- she's a victim of J, V & cupid
- Dido in the mourning plains
- 'her wound still fresh'
- A. weeps & pities her
- she remains silent (contrast to B4)
- she's with Syc. who 'answered her grief with grief & her love with love'
- 'unfortunate' & 'doomed' Dido
- tragedy of her lovesickness & downfall
- 'suffering from love's deadly wound'
- 'consumed by its hidden fire'
- struggling with her emotions
- still loyal to Syc.
- Anna persuades her to be with A
- ripple effect of grief evokes sympathy
- her offerings turn to horror; compared to tragic figures Orestes & Pentheus
- speech to A begging him to stay
- isolated in death
- increasingly unstable mentally
- comparison to Cleo
- building city
- Anthony
- neglects her duty to C - 'all stood idle'
- deceives Anna & says she'll haunt A
- betrays Syc.
- founder of Rome's greatest enemy
- curses
- tear A limb from limb
- put his men to the sword
- let A eat Iulus
- torch his camp & ships - destroy trojans
- prophecies
- Rome v Carthage in Punic Wars
- let A find war in Latium
- he will fall before his time
- he will be driven from his land away from Iulus
- he will submit to an unjust peace treaty
- may he beg for help & see his innocents die
- her unknown avenger - Hannibal
- Tyrians must hate Trojan decedents
- comparison to Cleo
- Lavinia
- Civilian Women
- motif of mothers
- intensify pathos
- 'wailing'
- 'beat their breasts'
- ripple effect
- aware of the suffering to come