Women and the family
- Created by: cassiarh01
- Created on: 13-03-18 14:40
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- Women and the family
- The ideal mother in Nazi Germany
- Non-drinker/non-smoker
- To marry and have children
- To beleive in the Nazi ideas - Kinder, Kuche, Kirche - children, kitchen, church
- To stay at home and not to go work/university
- To be sturdily built - to have children
- To be fair haired and blue eyed (Aryan)
- To wear traditional clothes
- To have a natural look with long hair tied back and no make up
- Nazi policy towards women
- Women shouldn't work, esp those married. Some professional women lost their jobs and were replaced with men
- Successful? - During 1933-35, the number of unemployed married women fell
- Women shouldn't get married - Marriage Law of 1933 initiated the use of Marriage Loans to newly married couples if the woman agreed to not work
- Successful? - The number of marriages increased
- Women should have at least 4 children - couples were let off 1/4 of their Marriage Loan repayments for each child they had
- Successful? - Birth rate increased. Few women had less than 2 children
- German Women's Enterprise gave women medals for having children, ran radio classes on home based matters
- Successful? - GWE had 6 million members, suggests that many women welcomed Nazi policies
- Women shouldn't work, esp those married. Some professional women lost their jobs and were replaced with men
- The ideal mother in Nazi Germany
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