Women in Volpone and Paradise Lost
- Created by: Phoebe
- Created on: 08-04-14 19:30
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- Women
- Celia as the ideal woman
- "blazing star of Italy" 1,5,109
- Physical appearance
- never "stir(s) abroad, but to the church" 2,5,46
- Pure and christian
- Celia given no say in deal with Volpone "she shall do't" 2,6,74
- "Obediant" 3,7,31
- "Before your honour?" 3,7,38 - worries about her husband Corvino's honour before her own welfare
- Only speaks once throughout the first court scene 4,4
- "seen and not heard"
- Compare to Lady Would-Be
- "Another flood of words" 3,4,63
- "eternal tongue" 3,4
- "blazing star of Italy" 1,5,109
- Independence is negative - Eve and Lady Would-Be
- "Before I feigned diseases; now I have one" - Volpone 3,4,61
- "alone The woman, opportune to all attempts" - Paradise Lost (Satan)
- Importance of physical beauty in Celia and Eve
- "beauty ripe as harvest" - Volpone
- "Heavenly form" - Paradise Lost
- Renders Satan "stupidly good"
- Innocence/ vulnerability
- "feminine" followed by "graceful innocence" - Paradise Lost pg 219
- "virgin majesty of Eve" - pg 214
- Description of Celia as "whiter than a swan" and "soft" - white and soft connote to innocence
- "nothing lovelier can be found in woman, than to study household good, and good works in her husband to promote" - Paradise Lost
- Celia as the ideal woman
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