Women in Nazi Germany
- Created by: Alice Edwards-King
- Created on: 06-06-15 16:48
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- Women in Nazi Germany
- Wanted women to be mothers so birth rate would increase
- It had dropped very low
- Germany needed a larger population if it wanted to be great
- Nazis persuaded women to be mothers
- 'The Honour Cross of the German Mother'
- Silver for 6 children
- Gold for 8 children
- Bronze for four children
- Discouraging companies to employ women
- National Socialists wanted women to be mothers. The ideal women was one who, above all, was a capable mother
- Rhymes were created
- Advertisements for women to become wives so children could be made
- 'The Honour Cross of the German Mother'
- Nazis aiming for mothers who...
- had many children
- did not work
- 1937 Nazis wanted women to go back to work
- A lot of men joining the army meant they could not work
- A lot more jobs were vacant
- A lot of women didn't like the idea of working in factories
- Wages were low and working conditions poor
- Employees often preferred foreign workers as their facilities were unsuitable for women
- Divorce law was changed
- Possible if a husband or wife could not have children
- Lebensborn set up
- Specially chosen unmarried women would have sex with a 'racially pure' ** men and 'donate a baby' to the Fuhrer
- Wanted women to be mothers so birth rate would increase
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