- Created by: katherinecolbourn
- Created on: 05-05-15 08:49
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- Women who have had abortions
- Nature/ characteristics of information presented
- Quantitative data
- Secondary official statistics
- Has come from Department of Health
- Definitions
- A woman who has had an abortion is a woman who was pregnant but made the choice of having the pregnancy terminated.
- Trends/patterns/key features shown by data
- The data from Text 2 was from 2010 but was released in 2011.
- Text 2 is reliable because it can be repeated due to it being official statistics
- Text 2 is valid because it came from the government and it is official statistics
- Abortions are increasing
- Potential support which could be offered by government/ charities/ independent organations
- Post-abortion support from the Crossway Pregnancy Crisis Centre
- Post abortion counselling
- Care Confidential
- The British Pregnancy Advice Service (BPAS)
- Marie Stopes UK
- Explanations of the trends
- Less stigma attached to women having abortions
- Seculisation
- Changes in position of women
- Choosing their career instead of having family so have abortion to focus on career
- Less stigma attached to women having abortions
- Potential research method questions
- Questionnaire are more reliable-easy to repeat.
- Interviews more likely to be valid as gain a rapport and get more detailed information due to open questions.
- Sample: snowball
- Potential advantages and disadvantage
- Advantages the under 18 abortion is decreasing which shows how less teenagers are having abortions.
- Disadvantage the increase in abortions could be costing the NHS and support groups for post-abortion
- Advantage, if more women are having abortions then there will be more places available n primary school for the baby boom.
- Nature/ characteristics of information presented
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