Work and families act part 2

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  • Work and Families Act 2007 (2)
    • Employers for carers has its own definition of a carer:
      • people who provide unpaid care by looking after an ill, frail or disabled family member or friend.
    • Carers help with personal things like getting someone dressed, turning them in their sleep, helping them to the loo etc. Also help them with shopping, cleaning, cooking, filling in forms or managing money,
    • Caring is different from mainstream childcare responsibilities and needs a seperate response from employers and managers. For example:
      • Caring for a sick or disabled relative or friend can heppen overnight.
      • Caring can be hard to plan and to cope with emotionally.
      • Caring has different 'milestones'.
    • EFC definition: "Carers are employees with significant caring responsibilities that have a substantial impact on their working lives. These employees are responsible for the care and support of disabled, elderly or sick partners, relatives or friends who are unable to care for themselves".
      • This definition can be used by other employers or adapted to suit the needs of your particular organisation.
    • As an organisation you may find it helpful to have your own definition for carers. Particularly useful if you are looking to develop a carers policy.
    • It can also help when distinguishing between the needs of those with caring responsibilities and those with childcare issues.
      • As an organisation you may find it helpful to have your own definition for carers. Particularly useful if you are looking to develop a carers policy.


Sam Morran


A good resource that helps to identify the key issues.

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