working memory model- evidence and criticisms
- Created by: chloemellor
- Created on: 28-04-19 12:24
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- Discuss the evidence that supports a multi-component model of working memory. Is a multi-component model adequate?
- No
- Baddeley (2002)- not enough information about ho the PL maintains the serial order of information
- Too much focus on PL?
- Real world applications?
- No pure measures
- Kintsch (1998)- more about attention than memory
- Nairne (2002)- false positives
- Cabeza (2002)- high degree of overlap between STM and LTM tasks- one unitary system?
- Jonides (2008)- relational problems
- Hannula (2006)- anoxics with hippocampal amnesia. STM impaired- shouldnt be
- Piorer (2018)- secondary task similarity and feature encoding important
- Morely (2018)- Double dissociations not conclusive evidence
- Yes
- Evidence to support the VSS
- Concurrency (Baddeley and Lieberman, 1980)
- Smith and Jonides (1997)- RH spatial, LH visual
- Smith and Jonides (1996)- OL- visual, PL- spatial, FL- coordination
- Goodman (1996)- single cell studies in Monkeys- short term visual memory system
- Humphreys (1998)- evolutionary?
- Della Sala (1999) interference
- Farah (1995)- LH. spatial > visual
- Evidence to support the CE
- Prabhakaran (2000)- Higher FL activation for integrated information
- Collette and Van der Linden (2002)- frontal lobes critical for executive functioning
- Rottschy (2012)- 189 FMRI studies. Executive functioning= activation of frontoparietal network
- Separate systems? Shah and Miyake (1996); Eslinger and Damasio (1985) EVR
- Perry and Hodges (1996)- AD is due to deficits in CE?
- Shallice (1978)- CE acts as an attention switcher
- Evidence to support the PL
- Phonological similarity effect
- Irrelevant speech effect (Salame and Baddeley (1987)
- Word length effect (Ellis and Hennelley, 1980; Naveh-Benjamin and Ayres, 1986)
- Smith and Jonides (1997)- AP (Broca's area) vs PS (parietal lobes)
- Vallar and Baddeley (1984)- VR. Poor auditory STM but normal speech production (AP)
- Evidence to support the VSS
- No
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