World Englishes
- Created by: DanielV45
- Created on: 17-10-22 19:55
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- World Englishes
- Why is English a global language?
- British Empire/ colonisation
- American cultural + economic power
- Technology = internet was primarily English language based at first
- Around 2 billion people speak English in some capacity and 400 million are native speakers
- English is spoken natively, or as second language or learned as a foreign language or used as a lingua franca
- ELF - (English as a Lingua Franca) is used in Air Traffic control, the UN, the EU
- Has a functional purpose as opposed to a social one.
- Omits determiners, Avoids idioms
- Nerrier found people preferred talking to non-native speakers in ELF, rather than native English speakers, as simpler, less abstract
- Evidence against standard English being superior as ELF = not standard + preferred for world conversations
- English spread through Diaspora
- Level 1 - first/native language
- Level 2 - second or unofficial language
- Models of World English try to show the varieties
- MacArthur's circle (evaluate)
- Kachru's three circle (evaluate)
- Schneiders dynamic model
- Says previous models reinforce the idea of superiority
- Level 1 varieties often viewed as superior e.g., American English
- Americanisms. E.G. Lexis - 'candy'. Spelling - 'organize'. -Grammar - 'Can I get a'
- Started with Websters dictionary - Differences reflect American identity
- Says previous models reinforce the idea of superiority
- Level 2 Varieties sometimes looked down upon
- Singapore English Controversy. The Government initiated the 'Speak Good English' movement
- Introduced to try to 'improve' speakers standard. (looked down on local English
- The movement failed as speakers loved speaking Singlish as it showed IDENTITY
- Singapore English Controversy. The Government initiated the 'Speak Good English' movement
- Future of Global English
- Crystal says English will remain a global language as long as people continue to associate it with power.
- BUT some say English has had its day, the current global wave of English may lose momentum
- Technology/ Translation software will remove need for lingua franca
- OR English will continue to spread but change into different varieties
- Saraceni - we must cut umbilical cord between England + English - English does not belong to the English
- Why is English a global language?
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