World Games
- Created by: z_mills1
- Created on: 13-03-15 14:08
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- World Games
- any sporting events that takes place at world, continental or regional level
- Key characteristics
- involves elite performers
- single or multi-sport
- requires pre-event qualification
- 'shop window' benefits for host country
- highly commercialised
- high levels of sponsorship
- development of top sports facilities
- improved infrastrcture
- large number of spectators
- Impact on individuals
- performers are highly motivated to succeed
- they wish to test themselves against the best
- they wish to fulfil their potential
- they gain pride and satisfaction from representing their country
- strive to meet expectations of peers, coaches etc.
- spectators or performers may be inspired by role models
- spectators feel pride in their country after successful international performances
- Impact on Country
- 'shop window' effect placing the country in international limelight
- increases status of host country
- beneficial effect on tourism
- provides a stimulus for development of sports facilities and infrastructure improvements
- can be used to increase levels of participation in sport
- national pride
- promotes social inclusion, and improves cultural relationships
- 'shop window' effect placing the country in international limelight
- Drawbacks
- costs of event can far exceed revenue leading to debts
- if the event does not run well there can be damaging press coverage
- increased terrorism threats
- homeowners disrupted to accommodate infrastructure developments