- Created by: AlexMaltby
- Created on: 10-03-22 12:14
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- Living with Earthquakes - Japan
- Info
- 400 earthquakes/day
- 23 7Mw since 2000 -> nearly 16k deaths
- Tectonic Setting
- Movements of plate boundaries just offshore Japan
- Threat of tsunamis
- Pacific coastal zone very vulnerable with major population zones (Osaka, Tokyo etc.)
- Tohoku
- 11 March 2011, 9Mw, 70km offshore Honshu epicentre
- Lasted 6 mins, largest to strike Japan
- Honshu moved 2.4m East
- Earth shifted on axis by 10-25cm
- Very large tsunamis of 40.5m
- travelled upon to 10km inland
- $10 mil damage to California coastline
- Many aftershocks some of 7-8Mw
- Social Impacts
- 16,000 deaths, injured 6,000, 2/3 victims over 60
- Massive problems with body disposal due to infrastructuredestruction
- mass graves
- 100,000 children affected by displacement
- 2,000 children orphaned
- Problems persevered 5 years on
- Economic Impacts
- £181 billion cost
- Untitled
- Info
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