Wuthering Heights: Gothic Subversion
- Created by: cora_ah
- Created on: 24-05-16 13:23
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- Wuthering Heights: Gothic Subversion
- Catherine
- Does not fit into the typical categories of Gothic female protagonists but does retain some conventions
- Heathcliff
- Difficult to class him as a hero or a villain - in traditional Gothic these lines are very clear
- Highly emotional with love
- '...howled, not like a man, but like a savage beast getting goaded to death.' - Nelly, after Catherine's death
- 'It is preferable to be hated than loved by him.' - Isabella
- Violent and aggressive
- '...snatched a dinner knife from the table and flung it at my head.' - Isabella
- Highly emotional with love
- More easily categorized as a Byronic hero - typically rebellious, arrogant, anti-social or in exile, and darkly, enticingly romantic.
- 'A half-civilized ferocity lurked yet in the depressed brows, and eyes full of black fire.' - Nelly
- Difficult to class him as a hero or a villain - in traditional Gothic these lines are very clear
- Isabella
- Initially a typical naïve 'damsel in distress' character
- Her eventual scorn for Heathcliff makes her a stronger, independent character
- 'I stared full at him, and laughed scornfully.'
- 'blest as a soul escaped from purgatory, I bounded...'
- Her eventual scorn for Heathcliff makes her a stronger, independent character
- Initially a typical naïve 'damsel in distress' character
- Catherine
- Hopelessly in love
- '...locked in an embrace from which I thought my mistress would never be released alive.' - Nelly
- Highly emotional
- 'I'm not wishing you a greater torment than I have, Heathcliff.'
- Violent and aggressive
- '...snatched a dinner knife from the table and flung it at my head.' - Isabella
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