Yeats poetry outline

  • Created by: melhorsey
  • Created on: 31-03-15 10:26
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  • Yeat's
    • September 1913
      • THEMES: PatrioticismMoney/greedRomanticismThe General strike 1913Yeat's reaction to middle class refusing to open art gallery
      • KEY LANGUAGE FEATURES: MetaphorsSeparation of pronouns "you" "they"Rhetorical questions
      • FORM & STRUCTURE: Refrain (romantic)Ellery/ballard formABAB rhyming scheme
      • LINKS: In memory Sailing to ByzantiumEaster 1916
    • Easter 1916
      • THEMES: Irish uprisings against British Rule in 1916Yeats' commemoration of Irish leaders
        • KEY LANGUAGE FEATURES:Adjectives painting leaders in neg/pos lightOxymoron (refrain)
          • FORM & STRUCTURE:Iambic tetrameter + iambic trimeterElegy
            • LINKS: September1913 (Irish dissaproval of British)
    • The Cold Heaven
      • THEMES: Ambiguous in theme (different interpretations) The fear of everlasting heartbreak- remorse over Yeats' failing at love with MG
        • KEY LANGUAGE:Personal pronouns "i saw" "i cried" creates persona (Yeats)Creates antithesis (contrast) between youth +age "hot blood" "ice burned"Ominous tone-  "began" "quicken"Pathetic phalacy
          • FORM & STRUCTURE:Enjambment- thoughts unstableShort 1 stanza poemIambic hexameter -confusion
            • LINKS: Ends- rhetorical question like ASC, Second coming + Leda& Swanuse of epiphanies - Wilde Swans at Coole
    • The Wilde Swans at Coole
      • THEMES: NatureLonelinessAging/endings/changeLove 4 Maude
        • LANGUAGE:Pronouns- shows isolationRepetition of harsh letters- "paddle" "beat" words with energyFricatives (mumberling to himself)
          • FORM & STRUCTURE: Similar construction to balladsA-B-C-B-D-D rhyming scheme
            • LINKS:Changing relationship with MG - Cold heaven + Broken DreamsInfluence of Gregory family on poetry- Irish AirmanSailing to Byzantium- seeks love+ immortality- swans paired up + in love
    • An Irishmen Foresees his death
      • THEMES:Balance Reviewing life after premonition of speakers deathBased on Major Robert Gregory
        • LANGUAGE:Cold narrative toneAntonyms Personal pronouns (written as personal poem)
          • FORM & STRUCTURE: Stream of consciousness (like monologue)Iambic terameter- tight- shows thoughts are constricted
            • LINKS:Cold heaven speaker questions death & life- spradic speaker- contrasts calm speaker + passive response  L&D Stolen child- speaker in both not Yeats
    • The Fisherman
      • THEMES:Tradition ValuesLiving a simple life like past Irish men did
        • LANGUAGE:Monosyallbic language- simplisicty of lifeReferences quite/remote areas "connemara"-rural scene
          • FORM& STRUCTURE:Simple structure (describes fisherman then criticizes power people in IrelandRegular meterUnattached voice- (indirect speech)
            • LINKS:Lonely persona- Swan of CooleSeptember 1913- both talk about art being destroyed Easter 1916- oxymoron "wise and simple" "a terrible beauty"
    • Broken Dreams
      • THEMES: Yeats' love for Maude Gonne/ her everlasting beautyDeath/afterlife
        • LANGUAGE:Heaven is personified Enjambment- recollection of fast paced memoriesAlliteration "for your soles sake"Repetition "from dream to dream"- child like feel
          • STRUCTURE & FORM:No rhyming scheme 5-12 syllables in line (irregular rhythmic pattern)- awkward to read1 continuous stanza- represents people age without break
            • LINKS:In memory- both describe beauty of womenCold Heaven- both direct references to death & afterlife
    • The Cat and the Moon
      • THEMES:Symbolizes how people or events can be forever linked but separate unitiesCat= YeatsMoon= MGContrast between light and darkRomantic idea- mutability (ever changing)
        • LANGUAGE:Symbolic Contrast- black cat - white moonAssonance + alliteration - soft rhythmic tone Imagery of light and dark
          • STRUCTURE & FORM:Timeter- dance waltz- associated with romanceSingle stanza- unity between C+M 8 syllables in lineC interrupting steady rhythm of M28 lines- 28 phases of M
            • LINKS:2 things belong together yet have dissimilar movement- "the cat went there" "the moon spun around like a top" AMC, BD, WSC- all different perspectives on MG + Y relationship
    • The Second Coming
      • THEMES:Yeats response to horrors of WW1Rise of anti-ChristSubversion of christian imagery
        • LANGUAGE:Dactyl- repeated word "turning"Personification- birds as scavengers Juxtaposition- nightmares and innocence of dreams from a craddle "were vexed by nightmares by a rocking cradle"
          • STRUCTURE & FORM:First half - interrupted sonnet formSecond half- sonnet formNo regular rhyme scheme or meter2nd line- iambic pentameter3rd rhythm disrupted due to punctuation
            • LINKS:New beginning/end- Sailing to BLeda & Swan- both complex altered sonnetsAlternative representation of religion- Cold Heaven
    • Leda and the Swan
      • THEMES:Leda rapped by Zeus in formof SwanPowerLegendSexViolenceFemale 'Leadean' bodies in myth causes death and destruction
        • LANGUAGE: Violent + sexual vocabulary of languageAbstract terms- describing swanTangible terms- describing LedaActive verbs- present brutality of ****
          • STRUCTURE & FORM:Perverting sonnet form- opposite to themes of lovePatriarchal sonnet14 linesIambic pentameter+ irregular distribution of sentences- throbbing rhythm of ****Caesura- breaks rhythm- struggle
            • LINKS: Cold Heven- begins+ends same way (rhtorical question at end/ in media rer)The Second coming- both use violent verbsASC-"I dream of a Leadean body" is MG -- Yeats' wants to seduce MG
    • Among School Children
      • THEMES: Aging- both MG+Y have agedYeats' jealousy of young age
        • LANGUAGE: Metaphor of "yolk and white" shows Y believe he+ MG belonged togetherUses Plato's parable to represent his & MG relationship in epic proportionsImagery of 3
          • STRUCTURE & FORM: Epic poemOltava Rima- 8 stanzas each with 8 linesTriadic (3 images) structure at end adds ambiguity+ questions life
            • LINK: Second coming- both epic poemsAmbiguity at end shows Modernism- presnt in LS, CH, SC, WSCLeda & Swan- MG= leadean body in both
    • Sailing to Byzantium
      • THEMES:Physical affects of agingNatureDomination of younger generation in societyHow elderly are neglected in society
        • LANGUAGE:Metonymy used- "a tattered coat upon a stick" one thing (coat) represents a whole thing (man)Personification- "the soul claps its hands and sings"
          • STRUCTURE & FORM:Epic poem (8 stanzas)  - suggesting he himself is epic1st person narrativeOttava Rima form
            • LINKS:Second coming+ Leda- all subverting formIrish airman- both personas move into spiritual world/journey
    • In Memory of Eva Gore-Booth and Con Markiewicz
      • THEMES:Criticizes and supports two sisters Yeats knew Describes beautiful women who took alternative paths to their privileged upbringing
        • LANGUAGE:Metaphor- gazelle- elegance of EvaMetaphor- sisters aging a raving autumn shears blosoom from the summers wreath
          • STRUCTURE & FORM: No regular rhyme scheme- personal poem talking about friends
            • LINKS:
    • The Stolen Child
      • THEME: Irish Mythology- myth of fairies abducting childrenRomanticism
      • KEY LANGUAGE FEATURES: OnomatopoeiaContrast between Fairy's world and the CityReal places mentioned
      • FORM &STRUCTURE:Rhythm + rhyme create chanting feelFairy perspective "we"Alliteration brings the attention nature in the fairy world
      • LINKS:September 1913Easter 1916Man & the Echo
    • Man and the Echo
      • THEMES:Man questioning his life- Echo acting as responseValues of life- question + recollection on significance of lifeReligion- Echo could be God
        • LANGUAGE:Interrogatives (words used in questions) used frequently "what do we know but that we face"Imperatives (instructions/necessary things)-"lie down and die"- shows Echoes high authority
          • STRUCTURE & FORM:Dialogical poem- Echo responds to manRhyming couplets- give paceLast stanza- no echo - shows mans acceptance of deathTrochaic tetrameter-chant like rhythm- sense of urgency
            • LINKS:Cold heaven- ambigiouity of afterlifeSailing to B- hopeful of what death may bring- here speaker fears death and afterlife


Light Theory


Wow thank you this is brilliant!!

Light Theory


Wow thank you this is brilliant!!

Brittany - Team GR


This is an amazing resource. Thank you for sharing. Highly recommend! 

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