Young People and Women
- Created by: safiarofidi
- Created on: 10-05-15 15:41
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- Young People and Women
- Youth Groups
- Loyalty from youth essential for Nazis to stay strong
- Hitler Youth compulsory from 1939
- Boys 14+
- Military style uniforms and physical exercise
- Trained to be soldiers
- League of German Maidens
- Girls 14+
- Trained in domestic skills eg sewing
- Trained to be wives and mothers
- Education
- Schools teaching Nazi propoganda
- Subjects rewritten to fit Nazi ideas
- Children taught to be anti-Semitic
- To blame WWI on Jews and Communists
- Children taught to be anti-Semitic
- Subjects rewritten to fit Nazi ideas
- Jews banned from teaching
- Teachers to join Nazi Teachers' Assosciation
- Trained in Nazi methods
- Children report those who do not use them
- Trained in Nazi methods
- Teachers to join Nazi Teachers' Assosciation
- Schools teaching Nazi propoganda
- Women
- Nazis didn't want them to have much freedom
- Role was to support families at home and provide children
- Awards given to women for producing large families
- Girls studied subjects such as cookery and told to choose Aryan husbands
- Banned from being lawyers in 1936
- Nazis didn't want them to have much freedom
- Reasons for Hitler's popularity
- Gave Germans jobs after unemployment in 1920s
- Taught Nazi way from early age
- Instilled national pride
- Felt better off as industry expanded
- Annual rallies gave impression of strong, prosperous nation
- Army supported aim to make Germany strong again
- Businesses liked prosperity and anti- communism
- People afraid to protest against Nazis
- Youth Groups
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