Youth opposition
- Created by: cassiarh01
- Created on: 11-03-18 20:47
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- Youth opposition
- Edelweiss Pirates in 1938
- By 1939 they had 2000 members
- Nazis weren't threatened by their activities
- Went camping and on hikes in the countryside to get away from Nazi restrictions
- Taunted the Hitler youth
- Read and listened to banned music and literature and wrote anti-Nazi graffiti
- Based mainly in working-class districts of large cities
- Alpine Flower - their symbol
- Formed in late 1930s - maybe a consequence of Nazi policies enforcing Hitler Youth Membership
- Made up of mainly boys who copied American style clothing - checked shirts and white socks
- Sang 'Smash the Hitler Youth in twain, our song if freedom, love and life'
- Swing Youth
- Similar to Edelweiss
- Choose not to conform to Nazi ideas
- Wore American clothes, listened to A music and films
- Drunk alcohol, smoked and danced
- Organised illegal dances attended by thousands
- Made up of children from wealthy families
- How effective was youth opposition up to 1939?
- Limited to;
- Writing anti-Nazi graffiti
- Told anti-Nazi jokes
- Attacking Hitler youth
- Listened to banned music
- Wore American style clothing
- Motives were cultural rather than political and their numbers were limited
- Limited to;
- Edelweiss Pirates in 1938
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