A Midsummer Night's Dream- Bottom




  • Silly
  • Charismatic
  • malapropism
  • Bottom supplies so much comedy to the play with his malapropism and  his high opinion of his acting ability
  • Another role is the role of Titania's lover, when he gets turned into an ***, and Titania loves him, it's funny

Feelings throughout the Play


  • Act 1- Exited about the play
  • Act 3- annoyed that his friends are playing a 'trick' on him and then confused when Titania finds him so lovely
  • Act 4- being entertained by fairies until he wakes up confused alone not knowing what really happened
  • Act 5- over confident in his horrific acting
  • I see their knavery. This is to make an *** of me, to fright me... if they could
  • Me thinks, mistress, you should have little reason fro that. And yet, to say the truth, reason and love keep little company together now-a-days
  • I see voice: now I will to the chink, to spy, and I can hear my Thisby's face.


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